Rabu, 03 Desember 2008

World Bank Loan Offer $ 5 Billion for Anticipating Climate Change

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The World Bank loan funds offer a low of 5 billion dollars the United States to developing countries for financing adaptation to climate change.

Announcement of Investment Climate Fund is presented by the World Bank on the second day of the hearing, which discussed the framework of cooperation to handle climate change, held in Bangkok on Tuesday (1 / 4).

Bangkok Post daily on-line version, on Wednesday, saying, Director of Environmental Affairs of the World Bank, Warren Evans, said this initiative is part of a three-year aid scheme that provides low-interest loans have tribes for programs related to climate change.

He is expanding programs that can be financed by this loan the World Bank, among others, development of clean technology, adaptation to climate change and sustainable forest management in developing countries.

Meanwhile, Evans continued, developed countries like the United States, Japan and the UK have pledged to allocate funds to the World Bank for Investment Climate Fund program is.

"We target of collecting funds to more than 5 billion dollars," he said.

Funds, said Evans, will be managed by the allocation mechanism that designed by the UN (United Nations) and NGOs.

The World Bank also target the discussion about the source of funds from donors can be completed in all ministers council, the minister of environmental G8 group of rich countries, in Tokyo, June.

Evans adds loan assistance schemes will also be approved by the executive council of the World Bank in the range of June.

NGOs skeptical response

In the other hand, environmental activists forced the World Bank loan program is a skeptic.

They mention a low loan assistance that overlap with climate change adaptation fund that is being designed by the UNFCCC (Convention on Climate Change Cooperation UN).

UNFCCC adaptation fund also aims to help finance developing countries in terms of financing programs of mitigation and adaptation to climate change.

The money is managed by the UNFCCC is sourced from various project Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), which is set in the Kyoto Protocol, and is expected to be collected up to 500 million dollars in the year 2012.

However, there is also concern the adoption of these funds will not reach the target as the maximum financial assistance to overcome the phenomena of global climate change.

Antonio Hill, senior pegiat from Oxfam, said the World Bank assistance scheme will be "crippling" Bali Plan of Action on the adaptation fund.

According to him, should funds be provided as grants rather than loans, because developing countries have been tortured in such a way as a result of the impact of climate change caused by emissions of greenhouse gases countries.

"Schemes such as the World Bank is your car and hit a home other people to damage, but then you offer loan money to the owner of the house to repair the damaged house," he said.

However, opinions vary by Evans, because according to his loan from the World Bank will not remove the framework of UNFCCC adaptation assistance.

"If we find elements of overlap, of course we will avoid. But in this case we do not have overlapping elements," said Evans.

If assistance from the UNFCCC adaptation funds for this is very complicated and slow to obtain, a loan from the World Bank estimated that this will be easier to access.

Evans mentioned the donor countries will pay the majority of funds, while developing countries and NGOs will be invited to participate in designing the formula and pattern of these funds.

The Council in Bangkok attended by 1,200 delegates from 163 countries around the world. They gathered since 31 March to 4 April, construct the framework of international cooperation treaties that are new, replacing the Kyoto Protocol which runs out in the first period of 2012.

In the Kyoto Protocol, 34 rich countries reduce the required greenhouse gas emissions to 5 percent of their numbers from 1990, emissions in the year 2012. (*)

source : http://www.antara.co.id/arc/2008/4/2/bank-dunia-tawarkan-pinjaman-5-miliar-bagi-antisipasi-perubahan-iklim/

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