Rabu, 03 Desember 2008


International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD, in the Roman languages: BIRD) or the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, better known as the World Bank, is an international organization founded to fight poverty by helping finance developing countries. Operation of the World Bank is maintained through the payment sebagaima set by member states.
Activities of the World Bank is currently focused on developing countries, in areas such as education, [agricultural]] and the industry. World Bank provides loans with preferential tariffs to countries that are members in tough. As a reward, the Bank also asks that the economic steps that need to be, for example, corruption can be limited or developed democracy.
World Bank didirkan on 27 December 1945 after the ratification of international agreements reached at Bretton Woods Conference that took place on July 1 to July 22 1944. World Bank headquarters in Washington, DC, USA. The technical and structural, the World Bank, including one from the UN, but operationally very different from UN agencies other.
Despite expectations often become a poor country as a source of development loans, the World Bank is often criticized by opponents of "neo-colonial" corporate globalization. The opponents of this, which is often referred to as the anti-globalization, blame the World Bank because of weakened sovereignty loan recipient countries through economic liberalization.
The most common criticism is the World Bank is in the influence of certain countries (especially the United States), which benefit most from the activities of the World Bank.
Other criticisms that the World Bank operates on the principles of neoliberalism, based on the belief that the market (free) can bring prosperity to countries that practice free competition, without any intervention. In this perspective, the reform of berinspirasikan "neo-liberal" is not always appropriate for countries that have experienced conflict (ethnic wars, border conflicts, etc..) Or that have been long in the oppressive conditions (dictator or colonial) and countries that do not have democratic political system stable. In this perspective, the World Bank prefers the influx of foreign companies than local economic development that country.
On the other hand, people criticize liberal Bank because only act as a purely political organization. In this perspective, the Bank thus represents the rejection of the concept in the ability of the market economy. Folk liberal view as a tool of the country, for the international economy, which works to cover the ulcer-ulcer from a policy that is being done country. In this perspective, the World Bank to take the responsibility of the economic liberal, and not let the state policy in place.
During the period 1972 to 1989, the World Bank is not a test environment and does not require the test environment in each of the proposed project. Tests conducted on only a small part of the project, which the staff of the environment, in the early 1970s, sending the checklist form to the borrower and the borrower then submit detailed documentation and suggestions for analysis.
Also in this period, the World Bank failed to take into account environmental factors in the social, most clearly visible in the program Transmigration of Indonesia in 1974 (Transmigration V). It is important to note that this occurred after the establishment of the office environment of the World Bank (OESA) in 1971. According to critics of the World Bank, Le Prestre, Transmigration V program is the largest evacuation of residents who had tried ... designed to move the 65 million population of the country with 165 million (at the time) within 20 years. The goal is the improvement of economic and social conditions of the islands inhabited solid, reduce the level of unemployment in Java, the relocation of labor to other areas, and "strengthen national unity through ethnic integration, and improving the living standards of poor people. Transmigration project is considered failed because the some cases collision occurred between local people and transmigrants, and some tropical forests to be opened became damaged agricultural fields.
President of World Bank
• Eugene Meyer (June 1946-December 1946)
• John J. McCloy (March 1947-June 1949)
• George D. Woods (January 1963-March 1968)
• Robert S. McNamara (April 1968-June 1981)
• Alden W. Clausen (July 1981-June 1986)
• Barber B. Conable (July 1986-August 1991)
• Lewis T. Preston (September 1991-May 1995)
• James D. Wolfensohn (June 1995-May 2005)
• Paul Wolfowitz (June 2005-May 2007)
• Robert Zoellick (June 2007 - present)

source : id.wikipedia.com

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